Article I – General
Section A. Name of Organization
The name of this organization will be the Sun City Festival Men’s Golf Club (SCFMGC) herein called the Club in these Bylaws.
Section B. Purpose of Organization
The purpose of this Club is to provide an organized framework under which Sun City Festival male Homeowner Association members may engage in organized golf events and tournaments. The Club will provide scheduling, logistics and management oversight for these events and associated social activities.
Section C. Governing Documents
These bylaws will fully comply with the Association’s Governing Documents (Documents) and Chartered Club Rules and Procedures Manual (Rules). Documents or Rules will prevail in the event of a conflict between these Bylaws and the Documents or Rules.
Section D. Non-Profit
The Club shall be operated as a non-profit association in accordance with applicable statutes and the SCFCA Documents.
ARTICLE II – Membership
Section A. Open Membership
Membership is open to all SCFCA male members in good standing without discrimination as to race, religion, color, ethnic culture or national heritage. Membership into the Club is through the submission of the Club’s application that shall include the SCFCA identification card number. The Club shall maintain all applications on file and provide review/access to the SCFCA.
Section B. Handicap
To compete in Club golf events and tournaments, members are required to join the Arizona Golf Association (AGA) and establish a handicap.
Section C. Pre-conditions for Club Golf Events
All requirements for Game Day Events or Tournaments will be decided by the Executive Board with the exception of those voted into the by-laws by the MGC General Membership. Currently requirements are as follows: a) For all MGC events and tournaments, every player must be a MGC member in good standing, belong to the AGA (Arizona Golf Association) and have a GHIN Handicap.
Section D. Guest Privileges
A guest is defined as a person who is not a SCFCA member and who is attending a Club golf function at the invitation of and accompanied by a Club member in good standing. SCFCA members may participate in Golf Club activities in a guest status up to three times and then they must join the Club as a regular dues paying member. Guest privileges are also reserved for new residents who want to experience MGC events. Guest privileges do not apply to former MGC members.
Section E. Dues
The Club Treasurer assesses annual dues in January each year in accordance with the published rates as stated in the Club Standard Operating Rules.
ARTICLE III – Club Executive Board
Section A. Club Executive Board
The Club Executive Board will consist of the following officers: President; Vice President; Secretary; Treasurer; Tournament Chair; Membership Chair; and Game Day Chair.
Section B. Executive Board Election
The Club Executive Board officers shall be elected by a vote of those present during an annual Club general membership meeting where a quorum has been established. The Executive Board officers will serve without compensation.
Section C. Executive Board Terms of Office and Responsibilities.
The Club Executive Board officers are elected for two (2) year terms and can succeed themselves provided they receive the necessary votes of those in attendance at the membership meeting. For terms beginning in even numbered years, four (4) board members will be elected for two (2) year terms. For terms beginning in odd numbered years, three (3) board members will be elected for two (2) year terms. Nominees with the highest number of votes from the election in November will serve on the Board. Terms of office start on the first day of January and end on the last day of December.
Club Executive Board officer who cannot fulfill his two (2) year term of service will be replaced by the next highest vote getter in the last election.
The Club Executive Board will include the following officers with their responsibilities.
· President: The Club President presides over all Club meetings and is accountable for the administration of all Club business. The incumbent acts as the principal liaison between the Club, and the Copper Canyon Golf Course. The President appoints members of all committees that have been authorized and oversees the committees functions related to their specific activities. The Club President may succeed himself for one additional term but may not serve more than two consecutive years as President.
· Vice President: The Club Vice President performs all duties of the President in the event of his absence or inability to perform.
· Secretary: The Club Secretary maintains Club records and all meeting minutes and provides these minutes to the Club Executive Board and the Club.
· Treasurer: The Club Treasurer receives and deposits all monies due to the Club and pays all obligations that may be incurred by the Club in the regular course of its business. The incumbent maintains an up to date ledger of all financial transactions and provides financial reports as may be required at Club meetings. He prepares, coordinates with the Executive Board and submits year end reports as required by the SCFCA.
· Tournament Chairman: The Club Tournament Chairman plans, organizes and conducts Club tournaments. He will provide tournament results and expenses to the Executive Board to get reimbursement checks for expenses.
· Membership Chairman; The Club Membership Chairman collects all membership application and maintains the database of Member information.
· Game Day Chairman; the Game Day Chairman develops Game Day Formats and monthly schedules. If Game Day Captains are appointed, he serves as liaison to the Board.
· President Emeritus: The previous year Club President is defined as the President Emeritus and assists the current Club Executive Board with his experience as a non-voting member of the Executive Board.
· When the Men’s Golf Club exceeded 250 members, the Executive Board was increased from five (5) members to seven (7) members.
Section D. Nomination and Election Procedures
A nominating committee will be appointed by the Executive Board. The committee will solicit/present nominations to the Executive Board in October. The election will be held at the general membership meeting in November each year. The new Executive Board will elect its officers in December. The Executive Board shall be installed in January of each year.
Section E. Vacancies and Recall of Executive Board Officers
In the event an Executive Board officer is not able to perform his duties, or is not able to effectively participate physically or electronically in Executive Board meetings over a 60 day period as determined by the Executive Board, a replacement will be appointed by the Executive Board using the precedence list from the previous nominees receiving votes from general membership.
ARTICLE IV – Meetings
Section A. Types and Frequency of Meetings
Club general membership meetings will be held not less than two times per year, one in April and one in November. A special general membership meeting may be called by the Executive Board (with a 15 day advance notice) at any time during the year if conditions warrant. Executive Board meetings will be held approximately once per month or as deemed necessary.
Section B. Conduct of Meetings/Parliamentary Procedures
Club general membership meetings will be conducted using Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
Section C. Voting and Quorum Procedures
Club general membership meetings voting for election of Club Executive Board members and bylaws changes shall require a quorum of the Club membership at the time of the meeting. A Club general membership meeting quorum is defined as a minimum of 20 percent of the general membership in good standing at the time of the meeting and will be verified before voting begins. Club rule changes require an approval of a minimum of 51% of the attendees at a general meeting with a quorum. If a quorum cannot be established, a vote of the members may be taken by electronic absentee ballot. Only members in good standing are permitted to vote in general membership meetings. Annual voting for Club officers will be by written secret ballot only. All other topics requiring a majority vote will be a method specified by the President (voice, show of hands, written ballot). Executive Board meeting quorum will be a minimum of 4 of the 7 officers and voting will be by voice or show of hands.
ARTICLE V – Financial
Section A. Records
The Club Treasurer maintains all financial records for the current and seven previous years of the Clubs operations.
Section B. Expenditures
Individual Club expenditures in excess of $500 shall require a majority approval by a vote of the Club general membership in accordance with the voting and quorum procedures defined in Article IV Section C Voting and Quorum Procedures. The results of the vote by the Club general membership shall be duly recorded in the minutes at which the vote occurred.
Section C. Record Certification
Club financial records shall be certified on an annual basis by individuals other than the Club Executive Board. Annual audits will be conducted by two qualified Club members who are able and willing to conduct the audit. Audit results will be presented to the general membership and duly recorded in the applicable general meeting minutes. A finance committee will be appointed by the Executive Board to assist the Treasurer in the maintenance of financial records and reports.
Section D. Bank Account
All funds/revenue will be deposited in a bank account established in the Club name with the SCFCA designated chartered club banking service provider. The Club bank account will be maintained through succeeding Executive Boards. Disbursements shall be made by Club bank account check. All checks over $500 will require two Executive Board member’s signatures.
Section E. Financial Reports
Semi-annually, the Club is required to submit Form CC-8, “Annual Financial Report” to the Lifestyle Director. A copy of report will be retained in the official Club file and the original will be forwarded to the SCFCA’s Controller for use when preparing and filing the SCFCA’s annual tax return. The reports are to be submitted on or before the 10th day of January and July, and must be certified by the Club president and treasurer.
ARTICLE VI – Committees
Section A. Standing Committees
Standing committees may include but are not limited to Handicap Committee, Finance Committee, Game Day Committee, Membership Committee, Tournament Committee and Nomination/Election Committee..
Section B. Committee Chairpersons
The Chairman of each committee will first be a volunteer for the position and, if qualified, be appointed by the Club Executive Board. In the event a volunteer does not appear, the Club President shall appoint a committee chairman to serve for a period of not less than six months. At least two Club members will serve on each committee and may be a volunteer or a draftee appointed by the committee chair.
Section C. Committee Responsibilities
All committees will have written charters as attachments to the Standing Operating Rules prior to their formation. Committee Charters may be amended by the Executive Board as conditions warrant.
ARTICLE VII – Amendments
Section A. Amendment Vote
To amend these bylaws requires a majority vote of the quorum at a Men’s Golf Club general membership meeting.
Section B. Notice Requirement and Procedure
A notice of any proposed amendments to these Bylaws must be publicized in writing and distributed to the membership at least 15 days prior to the meeting.
ARTICLE VIII – Dissolution
Prior to Club dissolution and after all debts are satisfied, all property and assets will be relinquished to the SCFCA.
Rick Eades, President Date
Sun City Festival Men’s Golf Club
Adopted by the membership: Pending
Section A. Name of Organization
The name of this organization will be the Sun City Festival Men’s Golf Club (SCFMGC) herein called the Club in these Bylaws.
Section B. Purpose of Organization
The purpose of this Club is to provide an organized framework under which Sun City Festival male Homeowner Association members may engage in organized golf events and tournaments. The Club will provide scheduling, logistics and management oversight for these events and associated social activities.
Section C. Governing Documents
These bylaws will fully comply with the Association’s Governing Documents (Documents) and Chartered Club Rules and Procedures Manual (Rules). Documents or Rules will prevail in the event of a conflict between these Bylaws and the Documents or Rules.
Section D. Non-Profit
The Club shall be operated as a non-profit association in accordance with applicable statutes and the SCFCA Documents.
ARTICLE II – Membership
Section A. Open Membership
Membership is open to all SCFCA male members in good standing without discrimination as to race, religion, color, ethnic culture or national heritage. Membership into the Club is through the submission of the Club’s application that shall include the SCFCA identification card number. The Club shall maintain all applications on file and provide review/access to the SCFCA.
Section B. Handicap
To compete in Club golf events and tournaments, members are required to join the Arizona Golf Association (AGA) and establish a handicap.
Section C. Pre-conditions for Club Golf Events
All requirements for Game Day Events or Tournaments will be decided by the Executive Board with the exception of those voted into the by-laws by the MGC General Membership. Currently requirements are as follows: a) For all MGC events and tournaments, every player must be a MGC member in good standing, belong to the AGA (Arizona Golf Association) and have a GHIN Handicap.
Section D. Guest Privileges
A guest is defined as a person who is not a SCFCA member and who is attending a Club golf function at the invitation of and accompanied by a Club member in good standing. SCFCA members may participate in Golf Club activities in a guest status up to three times and then they must join the Club as a regular dues paying member. Guest privileges are also reserved for new residents who want to experience MGC events. Guest privileges do not apply to former MGC members.
Section E. Dues
The Club Treasurer assesses annual dues in January each year in accordance with the published rates as stated in the Club Standard Operating Rules.
ARTICLE III – Club Executive Board
Section A. Club Executive Board
The Club Executive Board will consist of the following officers: President; Vice President; Secretary; Treasurer; Tournament Chair; Membership Chair; and Game Day Chair.
Section B. Executive Board Election
The Club Executive Board officers shall be elected by a vote of those present during an annual Club general membership meeting where a quorum has been established. The Executive Board officers will serve without compensation.
Section C. Executive Board Terms of Office and Responsibilities.
The Club Executive Board officers are elected for two (2) year terms and can succeed themselves provided they receive the necessary votes of those in attendance at the membership meeting. For terms beginning in even numbered years, four (4) board members will be elected for two (2) year terms. For terms beginning in odd numbered years, three (3) board members will be elected for two (2) year terms. Nominees with the highest number of votes from the election in November will serve on the Board. Terms of office start on the first day of January and end on the last day of December.
Club Executive Board officer who cannot fulfill his two (2) year term of service will be replaced by the next highest vote getter in the last election.
The Club Executive Board will include the following officers with their responsibilities.
· President: The Club President presides over all Club meetings and is accountable for the administration of all Club business. The incumbent acts as the principal liaison between the Club, and the Copper Canyon Golf Course. The President appoints members of all committees that have been authorized and oversees the committees functions related to their specific activities. The Club President may succeed himself for one additional term but may not serve more than two consecutive years as President.
· Vice President: The Club Vice President performs all duties of the President in the event of his absence or inability to perform.
· Secretary: The Club Secretary maintains Club records and all meeting minutes and provides these minutes to the Club Executive Board and the Club.
· Treasurer: The Club Treasurer receives and deposits all monies due to the Club and pays all obligations that may be incurred by the Club in the regular course of its business. The incumbent maintains an up to date ledger of all financial transactions and provides financial reports as may be required at Club meetings. He prepares, coordinates with the Executive Board and submits year end reports as required by the SCFCA.
· Tournament Chairman: The Club Tournament Chairman plans, organizes and conducts Club tournaments. He will provide tournament results and expenses to the Executive Board to get reimbursement checks for expenses.
· Membership Chairman; The Club Membership Chairman collects all membership application and maintains the database of Member information.
· Game Day Chairman; the Game Day Chairman develops Game Day Formats and monthly schedules. If Game Day Captains are appointed, he serves as liaison to the Board.
· President Emeritus: The previous year Club President is defined as the President Emeritus and assists the current Club Executive Board with his experience as a non-voting member of the Executive Board.
· When the Men’s Golf Club exceeded 250 members, the Executive Board was increased from five (5) members to seven (7) members.
Section D. Nomination and Election Procedures
A nominating committee will be appointed by the Executive Board. The committee will solicit/present nominations to the Executive Board in October. The election will be held at the general membership meeting in November each year. The new Executive Board will elect its officers in December. The Executive Board shall be installed in January of each year.
Section E. Vacancies and Recall of Executive Board Officers
In the event an Executive Board officer is not able to perform his duties, or is not able to effectively participate physically or electronically in Executive Board meetings over a 60 day period as determined by the Executive Board, a replacement will be appointed by the Executive Board using the precedence list from the previous nominees receiving votes from general membership.
ARTICLE IV – Meetings
Section A. Types and Frequency of Meetings
Club general membership meetings will be held not less than two times per year, one in April and one in November. A special general membership meeting may be called by the Executive Board (with a 15 day advance notice) at any time during the year if conditions warrant. Executive Board meetings will be held approximately once per month or as deemed necessary.
Section B. Conduct of Meetings/Parliamentary Procedures
Club general membership meetings will be conducted using Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
Section C. Voting and Quorum Procedures
Club general membership meetings voting for election of Club Executive Board members and bylaws changes shall require a quorum of the Club membership at the time of the meeting. A Club general membership meeting quorum is defined as a minimum of 20 percent of the general membership in good standing at the time of the meeting and will be verified before voting begins. Club rule changes require an approval of a minimum of 51% of the attendees at a general meeting with a quorum. If a quorum cannot be established, a vote of the members may be taken by electronic absentee ballot. Only members in good standing are permitted to vote in general membership meetings. Annual voting for Club officers will be by written secret ballot only. All other topics requiring a majority vote will be a method specified by the President (voice, show of hands, written ballot). Executive Board meeting quorum will be a minimum of 4 of the 7 officers and voting will be by voice or show of hands.
ARTICLE V – Financial
Section A. Records
The Club Treasurer maintains all financial records for the current and seven previous years of the Clubs operations.
Section B. Expenditures
Individual Club expenditures in excess of $500 shall require a majority approval by a vote of the Club general membership in accordance with the voting and quorum procedures defined in Article IV Section C Voting and Quorum Procedures. The results of the vote by the Club general membership shall be duly recorded in the minutes at which the vote occurred.
Section C. Record Certification
Club financial records shall be certified on an annual basis by individuals other than the Club Executive Board. Annual audits will be conducted by two qualified Club members who are able and willing to conduct the audit. Audit results will be presented to the general membership and duly recorded in the applicable general meeting minutes. A finance committee will be appointed by the Executive Board to assist the Treasurer in the maintenance of financial records and reports.
Section D. Bank Account
All funds/revenue will be deposited in a bank account established in the Club name with the SCFCA designated chartered club banking service provider. The Club bank account will be maintained through succeeding Executive Boards. Disbursements shall be made by Club bank account check. All checks over $500 will require two Executive Board member’s signatures.
Section E. Financial Reports
Semi-annually, the Club is required to submit Form CC-8, “Annual Financial Report” to the Lifestyle Director. A copy of report will be retained in the official Club file and the original will be forwarded to the SCFCA’s Controller for use when preparing and filing the SCFCA’s annual tax return. The reports are to be submitted on or before the 10th day of January and July, and must be certified by the Club president and treasurer.
ARTICLE VI – Committees
Section A. Standing Committees
Standing committees may include but are not limited to Handicap Committee, Finance Committee, Game Day Committee, Membership Committee, Tournament Committee and Nomination/Election Committee..
Section B. Committee Chairpersons
The Chairman of each committee will first be a volunteer for the position and, if qualified, be appointed by the Club Executive Board. In the event a volunteer does not appear, the Club President shall appoint a committee chairman to serve for a period of not less than six months. At least two Club members will serve on each committee and may be a volunteer or a draftee appointed by the committee chair.
Section C. Committee Responsibilities
All committees will have written charters as attachments to the Standing Operating Rules prior to their formation. Committee Charters may be amended by the Executive Board as conditions warrant.
ARTICLE VII – Amendments
Section A. Amendment Vote
To amend these bylaws requires a majority vote of the quorum at a Men’s Golf Club general membership meeting.
Section B. Notice Requirement and Procedure
A notice of any proposed amendments to these Bylaws must be publicized in writing and distributed to the membership at least 15 days prior to the meeting.
ARTICLE VIII – Dissolution
Prior to Club dissolution and after all debts are satisfied, all property and assets will be relinquished to the SCFCA.
Rick Eades, President Date
Sun City Festival Men’s Golf Club
Adopted by the membership: Pending